Wednesday 11 February 2009

SNP abandons plans to scrap Council Tax

SNP Abandons Pensioners and the Poor
The Scottish Socialist Party today accused the SNP of abandoning pensioners and low paid workers in favour of the rich and business interests who bankroll their party after Finance Secretary John Swinney told MSPs that legislation to introduce a local income tax would not be introduced in the current parliament. This is not the first time the SNP has abandoned opposition to the Council tax and watched hundreds of thousands of pensioners and low paid workers who stood to benefit most from abolition of the Council tax lose out.
SSP national co-spokesperson Colin Fox said today;
"The SNP capitulation means that the super rich businessmen like Brian Souter who bankroll the SNP will continue to benefit while pensioners, low paid workers and millions of those worst affected by the current economic recession, like the thousands of Woolworth's workers, would have at least enjoyed some financial relief with the reduction in their Council tax bills."
"The SNP has again failed to capitalise on the majority support across Scotland for abolishing the Council tax. They have now given up the idea without a fight or even a vote in Parliament.
"How different their approach to that of the Scottish Socialist Party on this issue.
"The SSP, with just 6 MSPs, were able to make far greater headway. Our Bill to abolish the Council tax, a bill which incidentally the SNP voted down [on Feb 1st 2006] attracted considerable support across civic Scotland.
"The SNP's subsequent local income tax plan with its regressive 3p across the board charge attracted much less enthusiasm. Our local income tax replacement by contrast was graduated to ensure the better off paid more as their income went up and the poorer were exempt."

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